Ordering process

1. Shopping cart

Select the products you would like to order by clicking the "Buy" button. This will place your selection in the shopping cart. You can change this selection at any time up until you submit your order by changing the number of products, deleting the selection in the shopping cart by clicking the cross, or canceling the order process. Clicking the "Checkout" button will take you to the next order step.

2. Cash register

Please register with your email address. Your data will be collected, processed and used in compliance with data protection regulations ( data protection ) . Any other use or transfer to third parties will not take place. If you use our Contractual conditions agree, click the "Continue" button to go to the next ordering step.

3. Enter delivery address

Now enter your address and enter your desired payment method By clicking the "Continue" button you will go to the next order step.

4. Check shipping address / select shipping method

Now check your shipping address and find out about the Shipping method By clicking the "Continue" button you will go to the next ordering step.

5. Complete the order process

Choose your preferred payment method and by clicking on the corresponding button you will be redirected directly to Paypal or Sofortüberweisung. If you choose bank transfer, you will receive the payment information and then click on "Submit order". You hereby submit a legally binding offer.

6. Order confirmation and overview

You will receive a final overview of your order, which you can print out.

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